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Managing Calluses in Gymnastic Training

Calluses and Gymnastics training go hand in hand. The various types of gymastics are all equally tough and straining . Your hands, feet and body take a beating as you try to be the best version of yourself. The strain of it all can cause ripping, tearing and bleeding, unless you manage your calluses with care.

Callus Performance created a Patented tool, made in the USA that helps reduce the buildup of hand calluses, avoids tears and rips from poor callus management; Our goal is to keep you safe while training harder and longer. Every hard working athlete wants to avoid rips and tears during high intensity workouts, so you can keep training and doing what you love.

Typical training exercises

- Rings

- Ring Press-ups

- Skin the cat

- Ring L-Sit

- Pommel Work

- Parallel Bars

- Horizontal bar

- Handstand press

See how these Elite Crossit Athletes use and rely on Callus Performance

Used and beloved by worldwide Gymnasts, enthusiasts, Athletes and the general hardcore. Callus management is a key part of avoiding injury, healthy and safe training and continuing to train and do what you love.

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Taylar "Made" Stallings

Relies on Callus Performance to keep up her high volume Gymnastics


How she uses Callus Performance to keep her hands tear and rip free

Avoid the ugliness of unmanaged Callus

Caution, Graphic images below.

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