Callus Remover Guide: Learn callus treatment strategies – Callus Performance Skip to content


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Callus Remover Guide: Learn How to Treat Foot & Hand Calluses

Calluses are the part of the outermost layer of the skin. It becomes hardened and thick as a result of continuous pressure or friction on the skin. It builds naturally around the skin and crucial for skin health as they help in protecting the interior layers of the skin. Calluses can develop wherever there is consistent pressure or friction caused on the skin. For instance, heavyweight training etc. Keep them smooth by applying creams. It has been estimated that on average an individual takes around 5000 steps per days. That means, more than a million step per year. Now imagine the friction or pressures placed on the feet. Taking care of the feet helps in overcoming the foot problems, for instance, callus. A callus is like a diffused area of hard skin.

Does Callus Causes Pain?

In the initial stage, a callus is less painful. In fact, the pain is negligible. It becomes painful over time as the skin becomes hard and thick. A callus is less sensitive to touch. Sometimes cracks start developing in callus which is referred to as fissures. They are sometimes very painful and sensitive to touch. If callus gets infected, it may cause severe pain and some discomfort.

People who are more likely to get Callus:

  • Gymnasts, weightlifters and athletes due to the intensive use of hands and feet during physical exercise.
  • People suffering from medical conditions like Arthritis, bone spur, bunions etc are more prone to change the normal alignment of the feet bone.
  • People who do not wear socks or gloves.

Factors that may Increase Callus:

  • If the callus is not treated, it may grow large in size until you fix its root cause.
  • If it gets infected, you need to see the doctor because it will cause pain while walking.
  • If not treated on time, a bony bump may develop on the joint at the base of the toe. It is called as Bunions.
  • Your toe may curl like a claw if you do not treat it on time. This foot deformity is referred to as Hammertoe.
  • A bone spur is another foot deformity that may cause due to the repeated rubbing inside the shoe.

The Most Commonly Symptoms of Callus:

  • A Thick, rough and hardened area of the skin.
  • A small, round and raised bump of the skin. It may cause pain or discomfort under the skin.
  • Thick and hard flatten patch of the skin.
  • Flaky, redness, dry or waxy skin.

In general, Callus is less painful and usually build under the sole of the feet. The most prominent places are heels, palms, or knees.

The Most Commonly Causes of Callus:

  • Not wearing gloves during a workout or heavy physical activity: Athletes and gymnasts have to do heavy weight training. They have to lift heavy weights which cause repeated friction in their hands.
  • Incorrect Fitting of the Shoes: Tight shoes, loose shoes and high heels are considered as a common cause of callus. Tight shoes and high heels squeeze the skin of the feet. In loose shoes, foot consistently slides and rub against the shoes. A continuous pressure, friction and shearing are caused on the feet while walking.
  • Not Wearing Socks: Skipping socks while wearing shoes or heels can cause pressure on the feet. Wearing the wrong size of the sock or going barefoot can also create the same problem.
  • Physical Hobbies or Sports Activities: Running, standing, heavyweight training and playing sports for a longer time. It causes consistent friction on the skin area of feet.

How to Diagnose Calluses?

Calluses are very easy to diagnose as there is no test is required for it. Doctor just have to visually examine the skin. He will throw some questions regarding your job, how much walk or physical activities you do. He will check the way you walk to see your posture. Also, he will see your footwear and ask about the measures you take to take care of your feet. Afterwards, he will see and examine the cause of the hard skin. The doctor will recommend an X-ray if he examines any skin deformity or physical abnormality.


Various medical treatments can provide relief which is as follows:

  • Customized Shoes: Doctor will prescribe a custom made padded shoes for the people who have any foot deformity. These shoes will prevent callus.
  • Pare down the thickened skin: Doctor performs minor surgery. He trims off the excess skin with the help of a scalpel. You are advised to not to try this yourself. It can cause severe infection.
  • Use Callus Remover: Callus performance is an excellent callus remover tool for athletes, gymnasts etc. having dry, flaky, waxy or thick skin. It is designed with a high performing stainless steel blade which helps in eliminating thick callus build up the heels or hands and keep hands and feet moisturized. There is no need to change the blade as it can be used multiple times. This hand care tool works in two easy ways: (1) trim off the skin and (2) shave off the callus and level the callus with rest of the hand. This trimmer removes the callus and avoids the ripping of the hands and feet. There is a file present in the backside of the trimmer which is used to smoothen’s the surface of the feet and hands. It saves so much time and money.
  • Minor Surgery: This is recommended in very rare cases. Only if there is a need to correct the alignment of the bone that causes friction.
  • Callus Removing Medication: These medications are available without a prescription. The doctor will suggest a patch that contains forty perfect salicylic acids. It is also available in gel form which is usually used in larger areas. The doctor will tell you how often you have to change that patch. He will also advise you to use a pumice stone or nail file. Apply a new after rubbing the dead skin with a pumice stone.

Callus Performance Healing Salve


Callus performance is a small, lightweight and handy tool. You can easily carry it in your bag or pocket. It prevents the ripping of hands or feet by strengthening the callus area so that you will be able to do regular work out.

  • Use Epsom Salt: Add Epsom salt in warm water and soak your feet for ten minutes. It smoothen’s the callus.
  • Use Pumice Stone: Perform the above-mentioned method (Epsom salt). Once the skin is smoothened, use a pumice stone in a circular motion to remove the dead skin.
  • Apply Exfoliating Creams: Apply creams having salicylic acid, urea, ammonium lactate etc. Apply these creams daily to exfoliate the dead skin.
  • Apply Moisturizer: Apply moisturizer to your hands and feet and leave it on overnight. This will prevent the callus from drying out and becoming thick.

Conclusion: Calluses are the hard tissues formed by the continuous friction on hands or feet to protect the inner layer of the skin. People who weight train regularly especially, athletes are more prone to callus. They need to take proper care of their skin. Some of them wear gloves to prevent the formation of callus, But, callus still builds up. Also, wearing gloves limits the mobility and proper movement. The best method is to remove them by trim off or shave off the growing callus and Callus performance is the best tool recommended by the athletes.

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