Great tips to prevent ripped calluses while weightlifting.
When weightlifters start lifting weights, they may get few physical side effects such as the shift in metabolism, and newly rough and callused palms. If you are working hard with iron dumbbells and barbells you may get calluses on your hands.
However, there is not a worse feeling than when you arrive to the gym fully energized, hydrated, and mentally ready to work out, and then you find you are not able to lift weights because your hand calluses are in pain or ripped. Calluses are caused by lifting weights for long durations. Let’s go through the basics first.
What are calluses on hands?
Calluses refer to the small areas where the skin gets hard and rises due to rubbing and friction. It is generally a thick and rubbery layer form on hands and feet due to repetitive pressure. The skin around the calluses can also feel sensitive to touch. Calluses are not dangerous to health, but they can cause irritation, pain and hurts when lifting weights more frequently.
Most of the weightlifters flaunt their hands with pride while other look at them as a hindrance if it hurts. If you are suffering from weightlifting ripped calluses and want to say goodbye to your ripped and teared hands, then you are at the right place. Through this article, you will get to know how ripped calluses affect weightlifting and how you can prevent them from happening.
How weightlifting causes calluses?
Calluses occur when the skin exposed to friction and rubs against the surface. Weightlifting requires holding metal bars having weights. While lifting weight various areas can lead to calluses due to pinching, squeezing, and rubbing. A weak grip can be the reason for calluses. When weightlifters lift the weight with a steady grip, the chances of forming calluses are less. Calluses can form on the pinky fingers because it is the weakest part of the hand. The weightlifting routine constantly involves lifting a heavyweight that causes calluses as a side effect. If you are tired from the presence of big uncomfortable calluses then do not miss out on the opportunity to try the hand callus remover tool.
What do you do when a calluses rip?
Weightlifters know how painful it is to have a ripped callus on their hands. It occurs when calluses catches on a pullup bar. Rips are sometimes bloody, generally painful, and always a hindrance to workout. How you care about your rips matters a lot in its recovery.
If you got partial calluses, don’t remove your skin. Just gently clean the wound with soap and water. Then thoroughly dry your hand and apply a band-aid to hold it in place. After a few days, your underneath skin will be firm enough that your overlaying rip can be trimmed off.
Sometimes your skin may get ripped off completely. What do you do when it completely ripped off? If your skin completely ripped off, then you should not place removed skin over the wound. The best option is to just clean the underlying wound and apply antibacterial ointment and bandage.
Ripped Calluses take time healing, which you’ll have to wait to work out until you are fully recover and the ripped callus its completely healed. In the meantime, you can do plenty of other workouts such as running, rollerblading, and swimming which they are hands-free.
Effective ways to help with your grip in weightlifting while maintaining healthy callused hands.
Moisturize Your Hands Regularly
Moisturizing your hands is not just for women. In fact, weightlifters should apply it regularly. Moisturizing the hard skin formed on your hand is essential. According to research coconut oil has skin-protective benefits and anti-inflammatory properties that will help you keep your hands strong and healthy. You can use callus performance healing salve. As it is beneficial and speeds up the recovery process. It helps in moisturizing your skin and function as a protective barrier.

Focus on Your Lifting Technique
Calluses generally form due to improper gripping of the bar. Moreover, the size and severity of calluses vary on how you hold the bar. A wrong grip leads to larger calluses therefore you can say goodbye to your calluses by ensuring that your lifting technique is correct.
The best way to grip the weightlifting bar correctly is to hold it between your palm and fingers along your knuckles. As it decreases the friction from the bar that causes calluses.
Keep Already Formed Calluses in Check
It is important to keep the already formed weightlifting calluses in check. With this, you should not pick them. Because it will only make things worse and hand callus treatment difficult. With the help of a moisturizer, you can soften your hard skin. On the other hand with the help of a callus performance remover, you can also remove the dead skin and extra build up which it will prevent them from ripping.
The Bottom Line
There are so many ways to prevent ripped calluses formed on your hands and feet. How you take care calluses entirely depends on you and your requirements. You can use a remover tool, moisturizer, and much more to treat them. If you get ripped calluses more frequently, then you should seek dermatologist advice to treat them. And you can also follow the above tips to say goodbye to your ripped calluses.