Managing your calluses caused by rock climbing – Callus Performance Skip to content


Callus care and management for rock climbers, bouldering and mountain climbing


In the beginning, a climber may feel calluses like a major milestone. But it’s not! Calluses are rough, thickened skin that forms on the surface of the bottom part of your hand or feet due to continuous friction or pressure occurring between rock and hands or feet.

 Calluses commonly occur are the thick band of tissue that connects your heel bone to your toes and the ball of the foot. Calluses can be uncomfortable, but you can treat them. And, its treatment is necessary to prevent yourself from ripping them and infection.

 What are the symptoms of Calluses?

The callus skin is gray or yellowish in color. Your callus skin may feel hard, dry, rough, and flaky. You can feel pain when direct pressure is applied to a particular area of your hands and feet. Calluses you can suffer from can be large that covers a wide span of the heel or the ball of the foot.

 What causes calluses?

Calluses generally form when there is continuous pressure or friction applied to a specific area of your hands and feet. Calluses are not considered bad because they form as protection for the skin against continuous pressure.

 Wearing unfitting shoes without socks or thin skin. Calluses occur on feet because of applying excess pressure to the feet. High heels are also the reason for calluses occurrence. Because most of the high heels are designed for fashion and not for giving comfort.

 High levels of activity, especially those that put pressure on the hands and feet such as exercises, running, rowing, dancing, playing guitar, etc can also contribute to calluses. In addition, runners and athletes who walk instead of the drive are more prone to calluses.


  • Callus performance Remover Tool
  • Callus Performance Healing Salve


Building initial callus is a natural occurrence to protect your hands' internal skin since all you really need to do is start climbing. After the first couple of times on the rock, you should start to notice calluses forming on your palm and underneath your knuckles—basically anywhere that rubs on the rock. You don't need to worry about it.


Calluses appear on the feet, hands, like reinforcements of the skin, to fight against overheating that is caused due to continuous friction. Calluses do not grow like our normal skin, but they build up over time and grow a little irregularly.

You need to trim your calluses to level them with the rest of your skin. To do that, you need a callus performance remover tool. It will work well to trim calluses professionally. It might sound a little scary, but it won’t hurt so long as you don’t trim your entire callus. It will be easier to trim the calluses with the hand callus remover when your skin is soft from a shower. Whatever you do but don’t pick your calluses with a nail cutter or manually with your hand.


If you do tear your callus on a climb or your hands feel particularly raw, it’s nice to have callus performance healing salve on hand so you can moisturize them. It has natural ingredients such as organic beeswax, organic coconut oil, shea butter, organic Vitamin E, almond oil, and much more which not only fight off bacteria with lauric and capric acid but also improves the healing process. You should apply this healing salve two times a day.


The simple and easiest way to heal your hands from climbing is to give them rest for healing. Because climbing too much back to back can be hurtful for your hand calluses. So, it's better to give them rest for some time.


Calluses occurrence are considered as pride of hard work. Because it prevents our internal skin from damaging by frequent pressure. You can treat your calluses that occur from climbing, rowing, or while doing heavy tasks and exercises continuously from the above-mentioned tips.


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