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6 Hand Care Tips for Working Out With Gymnastic rings

Hand care tips

Gymnastics is not only a sport but a workout routine that many people use to improve their strength and flexibility skills. It covers a wide variety of activities that include the entire body or sometimes focuses on an individual area you want to work on.

For those who practice gymnastic exercises, they are very familiar with gymnastic rings. These are a part of the routine that helps you achieve balance, core strength, flips and stability. Like any other workout, sport or routine, you have the negatives and positives associated with them.

Either way, getting involved comes with a lot of responsibilities such as proper hand care, tips for an effective workout, or achieving the results you set out for. There are numerous steps to take to complete gymnastic tricks, but we always have to be responsible on how we proceed.

With the hands being mostly involved, you have to be mindful of calluses, and the best option is to focus on effective hand care tips for using gymnastics rings and tools.

Why you need to take care of your hands while using gymnastic rings

Gymnastic rings are an effective way to master your moves and flexibility, but neglecting the fact of caring for your hands can be dangerous. Before using gymnastic rings, you need to understand and practice proper hand care to reduce the chances of rips, tears, and blisters.

It is imminent that your hands will develop calluses, but taking care of them should be a significant deal. The rings can damage your hand over time if you do not focus on taking responsibility and knowing the best methods to implement when using the rings.

When you use the rings, they put a lot of pressure on your hands; thus, they may get worse if you do not focus on addressing the major issues.

Tips to take care of your hands while using gymnastic rings

When using gymnastic rings, there are specific tips you can implement that will help you achieve the best results and develop a strong hand grip.

These tips have been proven to help a lot of gymnasts protect their hands from damaging while not lowering the standards of their workout. If you are thinking of incorporating gymnastic rings in your workout, you may need to consider it.

 Use gloves when it is necessary

Gloves are not generally used when working out with gymnastic rings because of its thickness and grip; however, should your hand develop any form of blister, rips, or tears, then you may need to consider wearing them. We would suggest to use grips that are usually thinner than gloves.

Wearing gloves will eliminate the exposure of your damaged palms to the rings' surface. The less friction your damaged hands are exposed to, the easier it will be to repair and heal.

In addition to providing a barrier between your hands and the bar, the gloves will help create a firmer grip without feeling too much pain and discomfort during a workout. The less pressure your hands undergo while they are slightly damaged the less chance for them to develop calluses.

 Take some time off

This step is one of the most important yet almost the most neglected among people who work out. To hit it right on, it is not safe to keep working out when your hands are damaged, as this will only make matters worse.

If you notice your hands are bruised, torn, or bleeding, do not continue to work out  but rather take a few days off to give your hands enough time to heal and repair. Your training with strong hands will be more productive and yield better results than having to endure excruciating pains.

After all, if you are aware that continuing to work out with damaged hands is what makes you durable, then you have a terrible outlook on what healthy exercising is.

Moisturize your hands regularly

Before you do any form of workout, you need to do the relevant research as to what is vital for proper hand care. Preparing to exercise with gymnastic rings you should moisturize your hands correctly (well in advance before working out) to have appropriate ring grip.

If you moisturize immediately or use a healing cream before exercising, your hands will easily slide from the rings or bars. It is important to note that when your hands are too dry, the protective barrier to keep it healthy against the bar is not effective.

Once you finish working out, it is essential to clean your hands properly then moisturize to build back the level of suppleness in your palms.

Use the right grip

Grips are important and are one of the most overlooked factors for most people who are working out. They have the belief that it is merely holding onto the rings, and you are good to go.

However, not every workout technique uses the same grip, so you need to be mindful to reduce the risk of endangering your hands.

There are various types of grips to include neutral grips, above the ring grips, and false grips. Each works differently, so it is best to check with your instructor which grip is best for a particular exercise movement.

Use hands callus remover

Whether you are a regular gym member or you work out a few times, you will notice your hands develop calluses over time. Once you see you are developing them, you will need to start focusing on how to treat them so they won't cause further problems for your hands.

If you want to eliminate the chances of rips and tears, then you need to use our callus remover, safely removing the unwanted dead skin that is piled up in the area. It is efficient in creating smooth hands comfortable for working out as well as not damaging any underlying tissues meant for protecting your hands.

In short, calluses are good, especially for those who work out a lot as they help to protect the hands against pressure from exercising tools and equipment. When used gently, our callus remover rubs over the surface and gradually removes the excess hardened area.

 Use a callus healing slave 

When you realize your hands have been under a lot of pressure from working out (which many people fail to admit), you can use our callus healing salve, which will help you treat and repair the rips and tear on your hands.

Our callus healing pack consist of all natural healing ingredients for hands  that have been damaged after working out on gymnastics rings as it sometimes puts your palms under immense pressure that leads to rips and tears. Our healing salve is handmade with coconut oil, tea tree oil, and shea butter, among other healing elements that will repair the blisters and wounds you would have incurred from working out.

Once you complete your workout and clean your hands, apply the salve, and leave on for a while. You can add gloves or sock over it to reduce getting it contacted with other elements and surfaces. Read More:- Great tips to prevent ripped calluses while weightlifting.


Gymnastic rings are a must if you decide to work out along the lines of a gymnast. One of the most important factors to keep in mind is the protection and care for your hands while you work out. Gymnastic rings are famous for putting pressure on your hands if you are not careful, thus following these guides and tips will help to get your hands in the best shape.

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