How Can Players Win The Game Against Ripped Calluses? – Callus Performance Skip to content


avoiding bleeding and torn hands from callus

How Can Players Win The Game Against Ripped Calluses?

A player knows the importance of how crucial it is to keep your hands in good condition for training. And the thing is that players exercise mainly the hands, with the accumulation of sessions, the most common thing is to have rough hands and injuries.

I'm sure you are interested in learning this simple prevention routine, which will help you not to skip sessions because you have “open hands” or “ripped hands”. In this post, we talk about all the tips and tricks.

Players Hands and Feet maintenance routine

As in almost everything in life, prevention is better than cure. With these steps, we will keep our hands in the best possible condition to minimize the chances of injury.

  • File Corns and Calluses

The goal is to keep corns or calluses as thin as possible because the thicker they are, the more likely it is that the skin will lift and rip. This is key, that's why we want to have them fine. And for that, it is best to use the callus performance remover tool. At Callus performance, they have precisely designed a remover tool for athletes, rowers, tennis players, runners, etc.. for filing calluses.

The callus performance remover tool is designed in such a way that you can use the remover tool professionally to file your calluses. It requires minimal maintenance.

  • Moisturize and Repair Hands


The other important point is to avoid having dry hands since it is much easier for them to crack like that. You can use whatever moisturizer you have available. However, I want to recommend Callus performance healing salve because it is 100% based on natural ingredients and includes beeswax, which is a natural antibiotic.

You can find this product on their website online for purchasing. Most athletes prefer it because not only does it help them to keep their hands and feet skin soft. But it also fastens the healing process of your wound. It does not prevent you from calluses, but its natural ingredient will surely help in treating it.

If you opt for callus performance healing salve, you can also use it more easily in other areas of your body. You already know that we are crippled everywhere: arms when you do ring muscle-ups, shins from the weightlifting bar, some burn from lowering the rope.

How often to do Hand Care?

This routine is recommended to be followed regularly in training. But it will depend on the volume of training of each one and the state of the hands. Remember that the objective is to prevent dryness of your hands first because once the callus is already open, even if we use the cream to try to speed up the healing process, it works but the damage is already done.

How to Heal open Hands?

Despite the fact that we have been very careful using equipment and we have our hands well cared for with the callus routine, sometimes excessive exercise and repetitions need an excessive callus routine. And with these types of exercises in particular they are the ones with which the hands suffer the most and you can overcome their limits.

You are giving it your all and suddenly you notice something, you lift your sports equipment and surprise! Open hand. At that moment you get a little upset and try to treat it in the best possible way, although the less brave we retreat.

And that's when you realize that practically any exercise bothers you to have a wound, and it's ripped! So the only option you have left is to say goodbye for a couple of days of training in the box or training with the injury doing exercises that do not bother you much like squats, running.

Should I cut the Skin of the Corn?

When a piece is left hanging, it will depend a bit on how attached it is, but as far as possible we should leave the piece of skin glued to the hand for as long as possible. There will come a point where it will dry out and then you should cut it with a callus performance remover tool.


Calluses are a natural occurrence of hard skin due to continuous friction or pressure on the skin of hands and feet. It is necessary to treat your gym hands to prevent yourself from infection. For more information regarding calluses, you can ping us freely.

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