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calluses on foot can be beneficial until they rip or bleed. learn how to care of them proactively calluses on foot can be beneficial until they rip or bleed. learn how to care of them proactively

How to Treat Calluses & What Happens When Calluses Go Untreated

Calluses are quite common among athletes and sportspersons who have foot problems, in the form of corns or calluses. It’s a fairly common problem. Calluses causes due to continuous friction on the skin or pressure. They usually appear on the hands or the side of the toes in the upper area. In this article, we will discuss some tips on how to treat calluses.

Calluses are not considered a health problem, since it is rather a protective reaction of the skin, which acts in this way when it is subjected to excessive friction or pressure. Calluses not only appear on the feet, but they are also common in the hands of those who have professions such as masonry or plumbing. However, weightlifters often get calluses on their hands.

Avoid the appearance of hardness in feet

Sometimes calluses occur from shoes that are too tight or poorly adjusted. That’s why it is necessary to get the shoe size right so that you do not end up with this problem in the toes, the heel, or the sole. You should try as much as possible to fit the footwell.

Footwear needs to be changed quite frequently.  You should pay close attention especially to your shoes having heels. It is advisable to alternate them with other flats, although the ideal would be to resort to lace-up shoes, which have larger lasts.

Use Moisturizing cream

It is very normal that after showering we should apply moisturizing or healing cream to our hands and feet so that our skin does not dry out. However, it often happens that we forget our feet, which remain in the background. To avoid the appearance of calluses on the hands and feet,  hand care is necessary. For this, you can apply callus performance healing salve especially after bathing each day.

But beyond the products that you apply to the skin to prevent the appearance of corns and calluses, you should also pay attention to hygiene. Once you get out of the shower, it is necessary to dry your feet properly, especially between the toes, since otherwise, you would be favoring the formation of hardness by increasing the dryness of this area.

In the case of athletes or runners, it is quite common for them to end up with hardness. The footwear that they use every time has less cushioning and the chosen surfaces are usually quite hard, so the foot ends up suffering excessively. After a long run, don't panic if you find yourself stiff. You have to take care of your feet. Try to hydrate them well so they don't dry out. Apply callus performance healing salve at least twice a day to fasten the healing process.

How to Take Care of your feet from forming Calluses?

Some preventive measures that include the preventive measures are:-

  • Keep your feet clean

Hygiene is the most important thing you can do to take care of your feet as well as your hands. If we consider feet, they are more susceptible to infection than most other areas. And the chances of infection increase if you are already suffering from diabetes.

  • Wear arch supports

It will help you make a pair of shoes more comfortable. You need to make sure that your weight distribution is even and it can prevent calluses from forming.

  • Wear good shoes and socks

 Believe it or not, socks that don’t fit properly can also cause calluses just like shoes. So you should also ensure that the socks you are wearing are comfortable as well as supportive to your feet is extremely important. In case you have any foot deformity you can see your podiatrist for the options that best fit you and your unique situation.

Symptoms of Untreated Calluses


calluses on hand

If your calluses are causing you irritation then it’s the right time to follow callus hand care tips such as using the callus performance remover tool to remove the extra hard callus skin and applying a healing salve to heal it faster. In case you still feel pain or your calluses seem abnormal then it’s time to see a podiatrist. Some symptoms may include:

  • Swelling
  • Fever
  • Pain
  • Discoloration
  • Splitting of the skin
  • Discomfort or pain

 What’s the Worst That Could Happen?

 If you have diabetes, the worst that can happen is amputation.  It happens when your calluses become too thick, split open, or turn into ulcers. Therefore it’s necessary to treat them as soon as possible.

Conclusion: - Calluses formation is natural due to continuous friction or pressure. Athletes, Weightlifters, and runners often suffer from calluses. To prevent and treat calluses you can follow above mentioned preventive measures. For more information regarding treating calluses, you can contact us freely.

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