Understanding Corns and Calluses| How Can I Treat My Calluses?
If you are suffering from hard, thick patches of skin on your hand, foot, and toe then it might be corn or calluses. Through this blog, you will know what’s the difference between corn and calluses. And, what are the tips which can help you treat your hand or feet calluses?
What are corn and calluses?
Both corns and calluses are thickened areas of skin that occur due to repetitive stress, pressure, or friction occur on bare hands and feet. Corn is a type of callus and the primary difference between corns and calluses is the location and whether or not they cause pain.
Common causes of its occurrence are wearing poorly fitting shoes or wearing shoes without socks. In fact, some people may be more likely to develop corns and calluses than others, because of improper callus hand care and the difference in the activity they are doing and due to individual skin differences. Some other differences are, if you have:-
- An abnormal gait when walking
- Bunions
- Bone spur
- Hammertoe
When socks and shoes rub on your feet continuously over long periods of time, or your foot is subjected to handle abnormal pressure for other reasons, then the outer layer of skin gets thicker to protect the internal skin of your feet.
For most people calluses occurrence is a symbol of hard work they are doing. Athletes, rowers, guitarists, runners, dancers, weightlifters usually get calluses on their hands or feet.
Signs it’s a callus
The hard callus skin is an area of skin ie. thicker and yellowish in color. It usually looks flaky, waxy, dry and it usually develops on weight-bearing areas of the feet due to extra pressure. Calluses usually do not cause discomfort or pain.
Calluses occurrence is common on the soles of the feet, either near the ball of the foot or near the heel. However, calluses can appear anywhere on your body where pressure and friction occur such as on your fingers and palms.
Signs it’s a corn
Corns unlike calluses can also appear on parts of the foot that are not weight-bearing. You can find corn occurrence between toes and on top of them. Corns usually occur on the sole of the foot when sweat ducts get blocked.
The size of corns is generally smaller than calluses and they are surrounded by inflamed skin. Corns generally cause pain when pressed particularly.
What are the Basic tips To Treat Calluses?
1. Soak your hands or feet in Luke water:- Soaking your hands or feet in warm water keeps your hard callus skin soft and keeps you hydrated. You should soak your hands or feet in warm water for at least 10 minutes regularly. You can also add Epsom salt to it.

2. Trim Calluses:-It is necessary to safely and painlessly trim calluses on your own professionally with the help of the callus performance remover tool. You should never try to remove calluses or corns manually by hand, nail cutter, scissor, cutter because doing so could lead to an infection. In addition, it is necessary to keep that area as free as possible from friction till it gets treated.
3. Use Moisturizer or healing Salve:- To treat your hard callus skin, it is necessary to moisturize it regularly. You can use callus performance healing salve to moisturize and heal your callus skin. It has natural and organic ingredients such as beeswax, coconut oil, almond oil, and much more that helps in fastening the healing process.
4. Use the right technique:-With the help of the right gripping technique, you can lessen the chances of occurring calluses. Therefore, it’s important to work on gripping techniques. While doing exercises such as deadlifts, pull-ups, rows, weightlifting, etc, you should use one technique that can reduce pressure. This will help you minimize the risk of calluses.
Final Words:-
Calluses are not only proud symbols for athletes but also prevent our hands and feet’s internal skin. However, it is necessary to treat calluses to prevent them from ripping as well as infection. You can follow the above tips to treat your calluses. In case you are suffering from discomfort due to corn or calluses, take rest till they get treated properly. Else, you should consult your doctor for the treatment.