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Ensure you get the best callous care solution in the market. You need callus shaving, callus soothing and moisturizing Ensure you get the best callous care solution in the market. You need callus shaving, callus soothing and moisturizing

What are the causes of Hand calluses and How to Treat Them?

Calluses are smaller in size and the area which usually occurs on hands and feet due to repeated friction and rubbing. The callus skin is thick and rubbery. The callus skin is sensitive to pressure and might make you feel irritated and in pain.  However, they are not dangerous for your health, but they are sometimes irritating. Mostly calluses develop on the fingers, toes, soles of your feet, and palms of your hands.

If you are suffering from hand calluses, you might wish to remove or trim the hard callus skin with the callus performance remover tool or prevent new ones from forming. Let’s discuss the causes, prevention strategies, and tips for hand calluses.

What are Calluses?

Calluses are a skin condition with hard, flaky, raised areas of skin. It is caused by repetitive friction or by pressing it against the skin. Calluses generally occur on your:

  • fingers
  • hands
  • feet
  • toes

 Calluses can be of a variety of shapes and sizes and they rarely cause pain.

Causes of finger and hand calluses

All calluses are caused by repetitive friction while holding a bar, rowing, playing guitar, dancing, rock climbing, etc on your skin. Generally, it builds the dead skin and hardens the skin layer as a protective mechanism to protect the skin under the calluses. Below mentioned are various reasons for forming calluses.

Writer’s callus

Writers also get calluses which are known as writer’s bumps. It appears between two fingers from where you typically grip a pen or pencil. It usually occurs between the middle and ring fingers of the writers.

Gym hands

Calluses that occur due to improper gripping technique and lifting heavy weights constantly are called gym hands. You can usually get these calluses on the ridge of skin underneath your fingers and palms, where friction and pressure form constantly.

Labor-intensive work

Physical labor can also result in calluses on different spots of your hands. If you do swings with a hammer, lift boxes, woodworking, and other forms of labor-intensive work then the palm grip, and lower pads of fingers, suffer from calluses.

Playing the guitar

Guitar calluses usually occur on the top pads of your fingers if you practice often with guitar strings. Moreover, calluses actually contribute to play the guitar successfully.

Treating hand calluses

Calluses are not permanent and they can be treated at home. Once you stop doing the activity that causes callus forming skin, it’ll likely go away in few weeks.

In rare cases, the worker’s calluses and guitar playing calluses may never fully go away.

Epsom salt

One option to treat calluses is to soak them in Epsom salt. It is a cheap and easy-to-find ingredient that releases magnesium sulfate when dissolved in water.  Soaking callused hands in magnesium sulfate may dissolve dead skin cells more quickly.

Use the Callus Performance remover tool 

It is necessary to remove the extra irritating callus skin professionally with the Callus Performance remover tool. It reduces pain and prevents infection too.

Skin-softening cream/ balm

Skin softening cream can help in treating calluses. You can use the Callus Performance Healing Salve to soften your hard callused skin. Using it on your calluses every morning and each night will fasten the healing process. It will moisture and encourage health slowly getting rid of the callus and preventing these calluses from cracking.

How to prevent and care for hand calluses?

If your calluses irritate you, take some steps to prevent your hands and fingers from forming further calluses:

  • Follow proper techniques for weight-lifting calluses
  • Use the callus performance remover tool to flip the extra irritating skin.
  • Moisturize your hands often with the callus performance healing salve.

Final Words:

Hands calluses can be caused by various activities, and they are usually not painful. Moisturizing and hydrating your hands typically work to treat calluses. If you are suffering from irritating or painful calluses that don’t go away from the above-mentioned tips, you can speak with a dermatologist for treatment options.

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