How to Remove Callus from Feet – Remove Hard Foot Calluses – Callus Performance Skip to content


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How to Remove Callus from Feet – Remove Hard Foot Calluses

Remove Callus from Feet

Calluses are common issues that a lot of people develop as these are thickened areas on the skin, which is a result of pressure, irritation, and repeated friction. Calluses generally form on the feet (toes or side of feet) due to the constant pressure from walking or running.

After all, body weight is one of the leading causes of the feet to go through such pressures. Calluses are usually harmless, but, if left unattended, can result in infection and other skin issues. Also, it can start to be painful over time if you are not careful to treat it and will cause a lot of discomforts. If constant pressure is placed on it, the rubbing can cause blisters.

Tips for removing callus from feet

One of the best solutions for people who experience calluses is to treat or remove them. It is not a hard process to remove the calluses if best practices are followed, and your feet will be almost as new. If you notice you are developing calluses on your feet, here are a few tips you can follow:

Soak your feet in warm water

Warm water and baking soda have elements that can soften the coarseness of the callus. Soaking your feet in warm baking soda each night will allow the dead skin cells that form the callus to break and become soft. The baking soda has exfoliating elements which gradually removes the excess skin that gathers in the area. Doing this every night will reduce the chances of the calluses becoming dry.

Use a callus remover for feet

We highly recommend Callus Performance Callus Remover for feet which is a simple tool you can take anywhere with you as it can safely allow you to shave the excess dead skin off your calluses. How does it work? Clean the callus and gently rub the remover over the callus. This will allow you to remove the "bulk of the pile-up skin" without damaging any underlying tissues of the skin.

The Callus Remover is made with small grits that successfully will "grate off" the top layers of the callus. In addition to the remover, you may also use the callus remover blade to shave the excess build up of the callus. After all, the blade can make it easier to remove the hardness caused by the callus.

Use a Healing Salve before Sleep – Callus Performance Healing Salve Recommended

In addition to shaving the callus, you can also apply the Callus Performance healing salve to help soften and repair the damaged areas of your hands and feet. When you shave the area, you can use the healing salve and leave it on, especially overnight, to repair the callus. It is rich in nutrients that will help in the repair process like coconut oil, shea butter, and tea tree oil. When the salve is applied, you can cover it or use socks and let the blister, rip, or tear heal naturally.

Tips on How to Protect your Foot Calluses

Protecting your calluses is not as hard as you think. Applying the tips and recommendations will help you to treat and protect the callus without causing further damages to your hands or feet.

Use a moisturizer before sleep

The key to treating calluses is to ensure they are kept moist, and the skin doesn't dry out. The more the skin dries out, the more complicated the calluses will become in terms of stripping and tearing. Once they start to tear, they will lead to infections and blisters. We highly recommend Callus Performance healing salve if you want to get rid of rips, tears, or blisters.

When moisturizing your feet, it is best to do so overnight when no pressure is being placed on the feet. Apply the moisturizing cream, such as Vaseline, and add a sock over your feet (cotton is the best choice.) The callus will become soft and more comfortable to treat this way. There are multiple substitutes you can use to include vegetable oil (nutritional benefits) as well as exfoliating creams that can remove toxic elements from the area.

Wear Callus Pads

When you have calluses, the main focus is to reduce the friction that your feet go through. To eliminate the chances of this happening, you can use a process that will help your feet to heal naturally. To reduce the friction your feet go through, try wearing callus pads, which are cushion bandages that prevent your feet from hard surfaces. A lot of these cushions have been designed for the feet and come in different sizes and shapes. For the hands, if you develop calluses, you can wear padded gloves to help heal naturally. Also, the cushion eliminates pressure and eases pain and reduces growth.

Keep your feet dry

We all have the tendency of wearing wet or moist shoes at times, and this could be a significant issue in healing your calluses. You want to ensure your feet are dry and only getting moist when manually done. Having calluses rubbing against your footwear is unpleasant, and with wet shoes, it causes blisters to get infected easily. Once the calluses become infected, it will result in more problems for your feet. Before wearing your shoes, ensure they are dry and also clean them regularly between wearing them.

Protect infected parts of feet

Neglected calluses can be a significant issue, and if not careful, can be detrimental for you. Thus, when you develop calluses on your feet, the most crucial factor to focus on is to protect the area from further damages. In doing so, you need to wear properly-fitted shoes that do not cause additional friction and pressure on the feet. Also, poor footwear can result in more corns and calluses developing on the feet. If your footwear does not meet the necessary "comfort requirements," you can add a few unmediated pads to your shoes.


There are natural remedies you can use to relieve the stress off your feet when calluses are formed. Callus Performance has been designed to help you remove the calluses in a natural way both on your hands and feet. In treating your calluses, you can use the following tools (which are proven healthy). The natural healing salves are easy to apply and along with the tested and proven Callus Performance tools, these will help remove calluses with ease and leave your hands and feet much more comfortable.

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1 comment

  • Love my Callus Performance callus care inspired by Bethany and Bella. After not being able to do pullups for 1 year after shoulder/humerus replacement I developed calluses quickly. Love the emery board side!!!!

    Rachelle Rowan

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