How To Treat Foot Corns And Blisters For Athletes
Aside from hand calluses, people also develop calluses on their feet, especially athletes or those who wear close-fitted shoes. Calluses are hardened areas on the skin which are formed mostly on the underside of the foot.
The feet develop calluses because of the uneven balance of weight, especially around the heel or the forefoot. Also, if you suffer from a skin abnormality, it could be possible for you to develop foot calluses quickly.
A lot of athletes do suffer from calluses due to being active on the feet and also wearing poorly-fitted shoes. They can be treated but if they are left unattended, they may end up getting "bad." We will explore some more about this condition below.
What are Corns?
Corns are more common than calluses and are formed on the feet in different ways. Corns are the hardened area that is formed on the feet, mainly in the bony area, on the toes or between toes. When the feet develop corns, it may come as a result of pressure being placed on the area or due to friction being caused in the area. A lot of people do get corn because they tend to wear shoes without socks.
What are Blisters?
When you have a blister, you will realize there is a bubble-like look on the skin. This is because blisters are bubble-type, which contains a clear liquid, which may be water, blood, or pus. When you develop blisters on your feet, it is caused as a result of the feet repeatedly being rubbed (or a section of your feet) while causing slight friction. Wearing shoes that are not properly fitted, shoes without socks, or having your shoes rub the same spot on your feet continuously will cause a blister to develop on your feet. Often, it will hurt when you do not tend to it regularly.
Causes of Corns and Blisters on Foot
Different practices cause your feet to develop corns and blisters and are not only formed on athletes but almost everyone. A lot of athletes develop these conditions because of various practices they do, and adjusting their ways will help to reduce it. However, here are a few ways someone could develop corns and blisters:
Uneven Distribution of Weight on the bottom of the foot
When your feet are not balanced, and the weight is unevenly distributed on your feet, you will realize this puts pressure on your feet. Once there is pressure, the chances of developing the condition will arise.
Wearing Tight Shoes
Wearing tight shoes does not help your feet as it only makes way for developing corns and blisters. The tightness of the shoes will cause tension on the feet and eventually squeeze the toes to cause friction. As the pressure and friction develop, the skin will form a dead cell that build up over time to form corns or rub the skin too hard and causes a blister.
Wearing Shoes without Sock
When you wear socks without shoes, you risk developing corns and blisters because your feet will cause friction between your feet and the hard shoes. If the shoes are hard-textured, this will create a higher chance of your feet developing blisters and corns as your feet are exposed without protection.
Not Taking Proper Care of Foot Calluses
When you don't take care of your calluses, they will develop into corns and blisters and can lead to further issues. When your calluses are grown, the first step to taking care of them is by treating them with the appropriate tools.
Our Callus Performance tools are effective in treating, so they don't develop into further problems. You can use our callus remover to trim or shave your calluses, so they don't become overgrown. Our tool is efficient and safe to use when it comes to shaving the hardened areas, after which you can smoothen the area with our emery cloth and treat it with our healing salve.
Running or Walking Bare Foot
When you walk or run barefooted, you stand the chance of developing corns and blisters as your feet are put under immense pressure. The contact with the hard surfaces will cause friction with your feet, especially on the underside of the feet. Also, because of the unevenness of the ground, you put your feet in danger with direct contact.
How to Treat Foot Corns and Blisters?
Treating your corns and blisters is the best way to have comfortable feet as failure to do this will result in discomfort and, most times, pain. When you leave your corns and blisters untreated, you risk developing other complications. Here are a few ways to best treat and care for your corns:
Soak the Corn and Blisters in Lukewarm Water
Soaking your feet in warm water will go as far away as it helps to soothe the tension and relax the muscles around the area. Also, soaking in warm water will help to reduce the potential bacteria that may be stored around the area. Before trimming or shaving, your corns, soaking in warm water, will allow the process to be easier as the dead skin will eventually be loose.
Take Off Skin around the Corns
When you have corns, you will notice there is loose skin around the area. In treating, one of the first ways to go about it is to remove the skin around to reduce the chances of rips and tears.
Use Healing Salve from Callus Performance to Treat Blisters
Blisters can hurt, especially when you wear close shoes, or the area comes in contact with anything. As such, when your feet develop blisters, you can use our healing salve to soothe and heal the area. It has healing elements like coconut oil, shea butter, tea tree oil, and so much more.
Shave Down your Calluses Regularly
Shave your callus with our Callus Performance Callus Remover tool that gently shaves the hard areas of the corn and lowers them so it does not cause problems with your feet. Once you clean the area. Rub the callus remover over the corn(s) to shave the coarse areas. After trimming with the remover tool, you can use our emery cloth to smooth any rough patches that may have resulted from the shaving.
There is no need to feel discomfort when it comes to your feet, especially as an athlete. Most people develop corns and blisters, but they can be treated with easy solutions such as shaving and using healing salves. Treating will reduce the chances of rips and tears, among other issues.
1 comment
How do I clean or sterilize the callus remover?