The Fastest Way to Heal Rips and Tears for All Athletes – Callus Performance Skip to content



The Fastest Way to Heal Rips & Tears for All Athletes

Article at a Glance: -

  1. Clean Your Hands First with Water and Soap: The first step to treating your hands after working out is to clean your hands thoroughly in order to go to the next step in the process.
  2. Use Callus Performance Healing Salve Every Day: Callus Performance has created a handmade all natural healing salve that is effective in helping to repair tears and rips that are caused by working out.
  3. Apply Moisturizer: Keeping your hands moist will reduce the amounts of tension and pressure on the callus. No more dry hands.
  4. Apply a Bandage to Keep out Infections: When your hands become torn from your intense workouts, you may need to add a bandage to your hand to keep it from getting infected.
  5. Prevent Rips and Tears from Happening Again: There are multiple things you can do to reduce the chances of rips and tears while working out and taking care of your Calluses is among one of them.
  6. Take Care of your Calluses: Treating your calluses has gotten easier with a tool implemented by Callus Performance. It is effective in treating your callus as you can shave them with the use Callus Performance calluses remover tool.

In Brief: -

As an athlete, it is imminent for you to get rips and tears at some point, and as such, you have to find ways of protecting and healing your hands during and after each workout session.

There are multiple ways to treat and heal these situations, and they are critical to helping you get the "best services" from your hands. Rips and tears generally caused as a result of calluses not being taken care of, so the first step to avoiding the issue is to care for them.

On most occasions, Al Athletes are not always mindful of treating their hands when they workout and only after the tears get unbearable, do they take it seriously. When you realize your hands need to go through extensive treating, there are certain things you can do to include:

Clean Your Hands First with Warm Water and Soap

wash hand properly

The first step to treating your hands after working out is to clean your hands thoroughly in order to continue to the next step in the process.

After all, the machines in the gym are not always sterilized, so germs and bacteria can always lurk around on them.

While your hands are torn, and you hold them, it is possible to attract dirt, which can lead to an infection.

Thus, washing your hands with warm water and soap after working out or before you start the treating process is critical in removing all infectious particles so the hands will be ready to accept the healing remedies.

Use Callus Performance Healing Salve Every Day

Callus Performance has created a handmade all natural healing salve that is effective in helping to repair tears and rips that are caused by working out. The healing salve is essential in treating a lot of issues to include:

  • Rips, Cracks, and Tears
  • Blisters and Scrapes
  • Rope Burns
  • Training Hands and Calluses

The salve is made of all-natural products to include shea butter, which has a speedy healing process and is capable of reducing scars and has a lot of antioxidants. It also has other ingredients to include:

  • Beeswax (organic) to provide moisture from dry skin and eliminate the growth of bacteria
  • Coconut Oil that fights bacteria and reduces the high levels of inflammation.

When you apply the salve, it provides healing properties that treat the tears and helps to maintain a healthy hand as you workout.

To make the process works more effectively, you can apply the salve to your hands, add a bandage and leave on for a while so the properties can soak through the rips and cracks in your hands.

It is also effective in removing dead skin cells from the hands and build a barrier against any harmful antibodies.

Apply Moisturizer

When you have calluses, it is important to keep your hands moist as this will help to reduce the risk of them tearing when you workout.

Keep in mind, when the callus is hard and starts to strip (having grown too high), it becomes susceptible to easy wear-and-tear because of the pressure that is placed on it from the grips and holds. As such, keeping your hands moist will reduce the amounts of tension and pressure on the callus. 

Apply a Bandage to Keep Out Infections

When you have rips because of untreated calluses, you will not only experience a little pain, but you will also stand the chance of getting a lot of infections.

When your hands become torn from your workout, you may need to add a bandage to your hand to keep out infectious particles.

The bandage will protect your hand against unsterilized gym machines and equipment, as well as any other airborne bacteria.

The bandage does not have to be thick, as this can cause working out to be harder as you will not be able to grip effectively.

But a flat wrap will do, and you can add the Callus Performance healing salve before adding the bandage, so the healing process never stops.

How To Prevent Rips and Tears from Happening Again

There are multiple things you can do to reduce the chances of rips and tears while working out. The tips presented below are essential and effective and works for all Athletes who have implemented them. However, be mindful that the process is not a one-off thing but should be a continual practice. These tips include:

Take Care of Your Calluses

Calluses are inevitable when you work out, so you have to be mindful to treat them so they won't get worse over time.

When you realize you have developed calluses, you have to focus on treating them as failure to do this will result in tears and a painful hand.

Treating your calluses have gotten easier with a tool implemented by Callus Performance. It is effective in treating your callus as you can shave them with the use of their Callus Performance Callus Remover.

Once you clean your hands properly, you would gently rub the callus remover over the callus to gently shave it down.

It is efficient in shaving the area without causing any damage to the tissues on your hands, which is why it is a standout tool from the others that pose a potential danger to your hands.

Once you have shaved down the callus, you have the emery cloth which you would use to smoothen the rough areas of the callus.

It is gentle on the hands and only removes the excess areas that are hanging off on the callus so it will reduce the chances of having rips and tears.

As an athlete, you have to focus on treating your hands, seeing it is one of the most critical parts of the working out process.

When your calluses ripped, you will experience a lot of pain when you put too much pressure on it as well as you stand the chance of developing potential bacteria and infection from dirt and more. 

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