7 Essential Hand Care Tips For Weightlifting – Callus Performance Skip to content


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7 Essential Hand Care Tips For Weightlifting

Article at a Glance

1. USE CHALK: The chalk will eliminate all moisture that your pores release and give you a proper grip.

2. FIX YOUR LIFTING TECHNIQUE: When it comes to weightlifting, proper technique is the best bet to protect your hands and overall body.

3. STOP WEARING GLOVES: Keep in mind that gloves made for weightlifting are usually thick and bulky, and if you notice, they do not close firmly on your fingers.

4. TAKE CARE OF YOUR CALLUSES: It would be best if you washed your hands right after working out to remove any dirt from your hand to reduce the risk of developing further issues.

5. SHAVE YOUR CALLUSES DOWN: Shaving your calluses is one of the best ways to caring for your palms, primarily if you work out a lot.

6. USE EMERY SANDPAPER CLOTH: The emery cloth is designed to gently remove any extra hardened skin that remains after the calluses are shaved.

7. NEVER PICK DRY AND DEAD SKIN: You should avoid picking your calluses at all costs as this will reduce the chances of having loose ends that can result in ripping.

8. MOISTURIZE YOUR SKIN: Ensure your skin is always moist to reduce the chances of ripping the calluses in the case you are working out.

In Brief: -

Weightlifting is, by far, one of the hardest workout activities or sports. 

Weightlifting involves an individual attempting to lift a maximum amount of weights that are added to a barbell. 

In most instances, gear is not used when doing these activities and the pressure placed on the palms results in devastating ends.

Having said that, we have done some research to find out the best hand care techniques weightlifters can use.

After all, weightlifting can contribute to terrible calluses, and if these are not cared for or treated, your hands will look and feel awful.

Prevention during the Workout

When you plan to work out, there are certain things you must consider before and during the activities.

Implementing and using the best tactics throughout the process will result in the best outcome for your hands and body overall.

Proper gym hand care will help to prevent a whole lot of issues like developing calluses, bruising the palms, and so much more.

But, during the workout process, what are some of the best practices to keep up? Here are a few you can consider:

Use Chalk

When you are working out, you will realize that having a firm grip on the machines and bars will be safer and give better results.

However, working out can produce sweaty palms, and you don't want your hands to slip at the wrong time.

To reduce the chances of this, you can add chalk to your hands as it contains magnesium carbonate, which has elements to sap moist.

The chalk will eliminate all moisture that your pores release and give you a proper grip.

If you notice most weight lifters and gymnasts in sporting events, they add chalk before doing most of their activities.

Fix your Lifting Technique

When it comes to weightlifting, proper technique is the best bet to protect your hands and overall body.

Not having the best grip or hold on bars can hurt your hand, and the workout will be proven complicated.

First of all, you have to ensure your form and stands are firm and are not susceptible to cause damage to your muscles.

Your posture must be fitted to manage, control, and balance the heavyweight that will be lifted.

You have to ensure, for instance, your neck is not putting a strain on your spine, especially when tilting the chin upwards.

Your feet should be steady on the ground and be able to remain positioned should you have a sudden imbalance.

Stop Wearing Gloves

Gloves are high in the gym by all means as they protect your hands against facing the pressure and hard pressing on the metal bars.

However, contrary to what many have believed when it comes to gloves and weightlifting that they are the best - might be wrong.

Keep in mind that gloves made for weightlifting are usually thick and bulky, and if you notice, they do not close firmly on your fingers.

As such, they do not allow you to have a proper grip, and the grip on deadlifts is usually not firm, thus not secure.

Gloves do provide an obstruction when it comes to efficiency weightlifting.

Handcare for Weightlifting Post Workout

After you have spent an hour or more in the gym doing all kinds of workouts and weightlifting, your hands need the much-needed break.

As such, you should focus on proper aftercare hand protection.

The hands have been under a lot of pressure from firm grips and even frictions.

If you are not careful, the muscles in your hands may not relax and end up becoming worse over time.

Here are a few after gym hand care tips to consider:

Take Care of Your Calluses

This is, by far, one of the most crucial aftercare practices you need to indulge in.

After putting your hands through a lot of pressure, you will realize your calluses are showing more than the ordinary.

It would be best if you washed your hands right after working out to remove any dirt from your hand to reduce the risk of developing further issues.

Also, shaving and smoothening them are a great option.

Are Calluses a Good or Bad?

Many people may believe calluses are bad, but in fact, they are useful as they help to protect your direct palms from pressure faced when using working out.

However, to prevent them from going 'bad,' it is recommended you take care of them by not allowing them to get too thick or even too thin.

When they become thick, you will have issues using your hands effectively, while if they become too thin, your hands will be at higher risk of becoming damaged or hurt.

Shave your calluses down

Shaving your calluses is one of the best ways to caring for your palms, primarily if you work out a lot.

When shaving, you should first clean your hands, and then soak them in warm water to soften the hard skin around the area.

When it becomes soft, you can use a clean and sterilized razor to remove the top layer of the callus. Be very careful by using this method since you could take too much of the callus leaving you without protection.

This will help to remove the thickness that is formed that may cause working out to be hard.

Also, you can use our Callus Remover Callus Shaver tool to shave the extra hard skin and smooth the area.

The tool is easy to use as you are only required to rub the gritted area of the callus to shave it.

Use Emery Cloth to Smoothen the skin.

After you have shaved off the hard skin, use the emery cloth to get the area smooth.

Once the calluses become smooth, leveled with skin, the tension of the palms when being used will be minimal or not felt at all.

The emery cloth is designed to gently remove any extra hardened skin that remains after the calluses are shaved.

Protect your Hands after the Workout

You have to develop the practice of protecting your hands after a workout, as it is critical to keep your hands healthy.

Ensure you clean your hands and soak them to relax the tension they went through while using the different gym machines.

Never pick dry and dead skin

You should avoid picking your calluses at all costs as this will reduce the chances of having loose ends that can result in ripping.

Also, when you pick the calluses, you may tear too far into the skin and damage low-lying tissues, which are under the hard area.

It is not hygienically-safe either as you can open the risk of developing infections.

Moisturize your Skin

Ensure your skin is always moist to reduce the chances of ripping the calluses in the case you are working out.

When your hands are clammy, there is less possibility for friction if you hold anything, especially too hard.

Treat your Ripped Hands using Callus Performance Healing Salve

Treating your calluses has just gotten more comfortable with our Callus Performance Healing Salve.

It is an organic salve made from all natural products such as coconut oil, tea tree oil, and so much more.

When it is added to your calluses (especially if they were bruised or ripped), it provides a soothing effect and helps to repair your hands. You can leave on overnight for great results.


Proper hand care is the best option when you decide to work out as this practice keeps your palms healthy and in the best shape. As for calluses, you also want to ensure you treat them so they won't develop further issues. Weightlifting is a technical activity, and your hands have to be in the best shape to achieve the desired results. For this you need to follow Tips To Deal With Weightlifting Calluses.

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